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Premium Tiernahrung & Snacks

Natürliche artgerechte Rezepturen

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Made in Germany

Premium Tiernahrung & Snacks

Natürliche artgerechte Rezepturen

Gratis Versand ab 25€


What food for dogs with allergy and intolerances

Hund mit Allergie liegt zusammengerollt auf einer Decke.

Are you unsure if your dog has an allergy? We'll explain how to recognise it and give you tips on what food you can give him.

What are the symptoms of an allergy or intolerance in dogs?

It can happen that dogs cannot tolerate individual ingredients in their food or are even allergic to them. A food allergy in dogs occurs when their immune system perceives certain ingredients in their food as hostile and triggers a reaction. With a food intolerance, on the other hand, your dog cannot digest certain food components well, which can cause gastrointestinal complaints. Both manifest themselves with very similar symptoms. These are typical symptoms of an allergy and intolerance:

  • Skin problems (e.g. hair loss, inflamed skin)
  • Itching
  • Diarrhoea or flatulence
  • vomiting
  • Ear infection
  • Anal gland inflammation
  • Loss of appetite, apathy

Please note that these symptoms are also typical of many other diseases and allergic reactions often occur after a delay. If you suspect that your dog is suffering from an allergy or intolerance, you should consult a vet. They can provide clarity with an allergy diet tailored to your dog.

What are dogs most allergic to?

Common triggers for allergies and intolerances in dogs are: 

  • Certain types of meat (e.g. Beef or poultry)
  • Wheat products
  • Dairy products

You can find out what triggers the allergy in your dog by using the exclusion diet. This involves feeding your dog a single carbohydrate source for 6-8 weeks, such as Steakhouse goat or Wild, which he has never eaten. All other treats and snacks are then taboo for the time being. 

Which food is best for allergies or intolerances?

If your pet has been diagnosed with an allergy or intolerance during the elimination diet, the triggering substance must be avoided. If an allergy or intolerance to a protein has been diagnosed, your dog should no longer eat it - neither as food nor as a snack. Therefore, pay particular attention to the list of ingredients. Depending on the severity of the allergy or intolerance, certain carbohydrates may also need to be replaced or reduced. In order to provide you with the best possible support, we offer different Sensitive Menusthat consist only of a protein source and easily digestible carbohydrates.

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